January 13, 2025
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Category - Texas Department Insurance News

Texas Department Insurance News: The Texas Department of Insurance regulates insurers and other companies that conduct insurance business in Texas as well as assisting Texas-based insurance consumers.  The Texas Department Insurance news was founded in 1876 as the Department of Insurance, Statistics, and History. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) Fraud Unit is the state law enforcement agency that is responsible for enforcing laws that are relating to fraudulent insurance acts in the United States. Insurance fraud is the second most costly white-collar crime next to tax evasion and the TDI Fraud Unit criminal investigators work on a variety of cases; for example, claimant fraud, workers’ compensation fraud, insurer fraud, life settlement fraud, and mortgage fraud. The TDI Fraud Unit criminal investigators are licensed state of Texas peace officers, that have full state police powers (armed, make arrests, and conduct investigations into violation of state laws), and have statewide jurisdiction in the state that they live in. Fraud Unit criminal investigators specialize in financial crime and regularly conduct joint investigations with city, county, other states (DPS, Attorney General’s Office), federal law enforcement (FBI, IRS-CID, United States Postal Inspection Service, US Government OIGs, etc.), and other government agencies. Once a TDI Fraud Unit criminal investigator has completed a criminal investigation, the case is referred to a County, District and/or U.S. Attorney in order to seek indictment and prosecution. The TDI Fraud Unit employs criminal investigators, prosecutors, and crime analysts to make sure that individuals are being represented for their cases.

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