February 17, 2025
Home » Dr. Alex Jimenez Podcast: Antiviral Strategies for Boosting Immunity


PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez and his crew focus on making several facts about the COVID-19 pandemic clear. Currently, there is no definitive cure for COVID-19. But what can we do then you may ask? Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and his crew presents Antiviral Strategies that have scientific substantiations from healthcare professionals around the world. In a moment where information is spread without scientific support, we must look into the research studies that have sound science evidence in order to understand non-fiction from what the true science has presented. These are difficult times and very scary times. We present a body of information present from the works of Dr. Alex Vasquez. His information at time cryptic and found in his writings do shed some light and direction which many of us can take in order to prepare for optimal support from our own immunity. The scientific community is clear. Again, at this time there is no cure for COVID-19. This does not mean we must not look at a way to optimize our immunity. Specifically, since there is much that has been studied in the ways the Antiviral Stategies can prepare our bodies. Dr. Alex Jimenez and his crew continue to discuss Antiviral Strategies and how these can improve our immune system. – Podcast Insight



[00:00:11] Guys, hello, this is Dr. Jimenez. We’re presenting today on a very important matter. We’re gonna be talking about anti-viral strategies. We have a crew that put together what we’re gonna do and we’re gonna be discussing things we can do in terms of what we have as options for ourselves. I have here Truide, who’s going to bring out some questions regarding exactly what people are worried about, because there’s quite a bit of misinformation out there that leads people to do things like buy toilet paper or do things that are kind of offset and extreme. It’s an attempt to discover options and to do the best we can. So though a lot of the public media has focused on what’s wrong, they don’t really give us options that the average family can do in terms of what they can do in their home to prepare for this and the physiological way. So the habits that we have today is that we tend to forget about great science that has been done in the past. The sciences that have been done in the past have given us insight into how to deal with RNA viruses and the replication process and how to mitigate the process if we do tend to have that kind of dynamics in this arena. So in terms of our ability to come up with a plan, what we’re gonna do as a physical medicine practice is tell you what we tell our patients, what I tell my patients, and leave it at that because we’re gonna have Dr. Ruja later tonight and we’re gonna have Alexander right now who’s actually going to be discussing a little bit of the bio-physiology. We have Astrid here who’s going to be going over some documentation along with some studies that we have. And we’re gonna have some takehomes with Kenna, our health coach, that we give and advise people as to what options that the state should do. But bear in mind, all the information here is for reference only. It is always wise to listen to your doctor to come up with the antiviral strategies, if that’s necessary.


[00:02:14] But these are more of an information as to what we can do in a family and things that we can find. And the focus is on preparing our human physiology in the event that some sort of dynamic enters into the arena of your family. So, OK, so what we want to do is preparation is key. So what we’re doing here is we’re gonna be discussing antiviral strategies. The anti-viral strategies are going to be discussed in a four series and tiered structured format. Here we have a Venn diagram discussing the antiviral approaches, which is going to be natural ways to prevent antiviral approach, at least entry into the body. We’re going to talk about the anti-replication process.


[00:02:57] We’re gonna be talking about immunonutrition and self-support. Now on the bottom, you’re gonna notice that the works from Dr. Alex Vasquez, who’s one of the prominent guys that’s leading the information of data acquisition is at the bottom there. Now, you can actually access his information. And by the way, if you go back to the first page on the outside, you can actually see that up on the bottom there you have free access to this presentation so that you can later use it as needed. You also have the ability to look up his books and find out a lot of the background data that he put together over the last decade or two regarding antiviral strategies. Now, since he’s one of the prominent guys, what we’re doing is we’re presenting the information so that we can give it to you and you will be able to come up with some ideas and ways to prepare your family in the event that, you know, this kind of stuff creeps into your town. Okay. So this is what’s important and it has lots of hundreds of documents and years of Ph.D.s doing the work behind here. So what I’m presenting is kind of the pinnacle of the information, but it should not be and it should not replace your good logical doctor and the information that your physician does provide for you. This is not medical advice. This is only information so that you can basically discuss and discuss with your family and prepare your family in a much more logical approach, because preparation, again, is key. Let’s go back into the antiviral strategies. At this point, we’re gonna be looking at the Venn diagram. And as you can see, much of this overlaps, this information overlaps, and it means that in the terms of the supplementation, a lot of the supplementation that works for antiviral approaches also works for anti-replication genomics. Now, when it gets to a little bit of the genomics and the information, that’s a little technical. We’re going to have Alexander. He’s from Chicago. He’s working from the National University of Health Sciences. So he’s out there and he’s gonna be listening and he’s going to give us some information as we go through this technology. Let’s go to the first approach, which is the antiviral approach. Now, in terms of this, we look at part one as we go on the Venn diagram, you see what we’re actually focusing on. We’re gonna focus on interventions that act on the virus level itself, targeting the metabolic and replicating machinery that is part of the virus entry. Now let’s back up a little bit. There are things that we can do to prepare our body. One of the things is to support our bodies and we can go to the nutraceuticals area there and you can actually see on the bottom is nothing replaces good rest and good sleep. This is important when we look at this virus. It typically enters in through some sort of mucosa, whether it’s through the eyes, whether it’s through a crack in the skin or even through the respiratory channel it enters in. Once it does this, then it goes in. It does its thing. So one of our approaches is to limit and mitigate the viral replication as well as to see the concomitant bacterial infections that actually occur. So when we look at bacterial infections, where does the body end up getting these? Much of these infections end up causing injury to the lungs, the lungs end up causing so much immune reaction that it actually lowers the body’s ability to fight itself. And basic infections come from our own bacteria. So at that point, these concomitant infections really go crazy. And at that point, that’s where the damage occurs when the body’s immune reaction goes haywire and then causing the congestion and limiting the body’s ability to transfer oxygen. The ultimate effect limits the amount of oxygen to the brain, to the kidneys. And we have eventually liver, kidney or heart failure as a result of this. So in terms of that, what we got to do is figure out how do we protect our skin, how do we protect our eyes? Obviously masks in, but this is not what helps, this is not where I’m at. I’m not at that clinical level that I’m approaching this. We’re actually providing this information so we can look at information that we can prepare our bodies physiologically. You’ll see here that there are some treatment protocols that we have there. We’re gonna go there in a few moments. But I wanted you to at least see that there. OK. So, again, oral hygiene, making sure we take care of our teeth. Intestinal hygiene is very important. Probiotics are very important. And to maintain those aspects of the body are critical in terms of being able to assess that. Also, we talk about vegetables and we’re gonna get that second. So let’s go back to the first section there. OK. So as we go to the first section, we talk about the antiviral approaches and we talk about the botanicals. These are things that we can do that we can get. Now, by the way, everything we have on here, we’re going to have links to it and places that you can find us on the Internet. And these things are readily available so that people can find that information. Now, let’s go to the nutraceuticals that we’re going to be discussing that we can assist there. We’re going to see that the licorice root. And I know that Astrid has discussed this. And I want to have her kind of bring in a little bit of the information that she has researched here specifically about this particular list. And tell us what she has noted in this particular dynamics. Astrid, go ahead and tell them a little bit about what you found out in terms of this particular panel and this presentation right here.


[00:07:56] OK, well, discussing the antiviral nutraceuticals in the first approach by Dr. Alex Vasquez, researchers have found that prescribing 240 milligrams of licorice root three times, between meals for a week can actually inhibit the growth of several unrelated DNA RNA viruses and it inactivates herpes simplex virus particles. So basically licorice root, according to these recent research studies, has been demonstrated that it can help fight certain infections. And another research study has found that injection therapy of licorice root can be useful for the progression of disease in what is known as interferon resistant patients with HCV related cirrhosis and other research studies related to licorice root have also found that it has a certain type of activity against HIV-1 SARS related coronavirus respiratory syncytial virus and other viruses as well. And notably licorice root is also found to be most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS associated virus.


[00:09:26] The papaya leaf juice. Is there a specific dosage that Dr. Alex Vasquez indicates?


[00:09:34] We actually found that he didn’t quite mention that there was a specific dose, but I just wanted to point out that when Dr. Alex Vasquez mentions papaya leaf juice. He’s specifically talking about the juice from the leaf, not the fruit, but it does have a direct antiviral action. And it basically functions through the inhibition of viral assembly as well as replication.


[00:10:03] So he notices, Melissa, the lemon balm. No specific those on that either, correct?


[00:10:08] Yes. Again, no specific dose.


[00:10:09] And by the way, everybody, we’re going to have all this being able to… you’re going to be able to find that on the links that we have. So you’ll be able to reference that and you’ll be able to assess that later in the presentation. So lysine and zinc. Tell me a little bit about what the presentation presented on that. Because I got much to say on that. Go ahead.


[00:10:26] Yeah. Dr. Alex Vasquez and researchers showed that providing zinc in a dosage of up to 50 milligrams per day. It has a direct antiviral effect. And the zinc ions have a direct antiviral effect and lysine specifically 1,248 milligrams per day taken between meals in combination with licorice root, lipoic acid, and other Nf-kB inhibitors have been demonstrated in these research studies to help improve lifestyle, like overall health and wellness, essentially. I noticed that selenium is also there.


[00:11:13] Selenium. The approach to selenium. These are all as we notice, as it says on top, these are the antiviral approach. The antiviral approach is to limit the ability of the virus from replicating when it first insets. Now back away in digress a little bit in this process for the antiviral approach. Go ahead, leave away and let’s go ahead and talk to someone who it really matters to this information because this may seem like I’m going out left field, but I also have here a mom who actually has a lot of concerns. And those questions that we presently have are pretty much in the minds, if not in the forefront of someone’s minds. But in the back end of someone’s mind as to what kind of questions. And I’d like for you to hear the type of thought process that a mom has to protect and to help and to prepare a family. So Truide tell me a little bit about when you’ve been exposed to this knowledge and you see this on CNN and all the media, how does it affect you and what are you looking for in terms of answers?


[00:12:11] Well, basically, you know, as a mom, one of the big things that we always do, since, you know, we get babies is practice good hygiene. So it’s very important, you know, as a mom, to always make sure that your kids are often washing their hands, not just when this type of chaos is happening. You know, we definitely need to continue to always wash our hands. But information is overwhelming, to be quite honest with you, you know, because you hear different facts and things that are true and are not true. There’s so much information out there. So to me, it would be important that what is a proper protocol other than good hygiene, good rest, good nutrition to be able to implement. And in the different type of age groups like, for example, I have teenagers. What are the exact dosages and where would I get this? How do I have my kids take it? So that way, you know, if we ever get exposed to this type of coronavirus, we know that proper protocol. And also, you know what areas. I mean, I’m glad that you guys are putting out there all links that we can research and get the correct information. So going back to the different supplements that you were mentioning, we’re going to be able to come up with an exact dosage and protocol. Is that something that people will call to the clinic and get this type of information or what would be the process?


[00:13:31] That’s a great question, because what we’re going to do is here we just started with the antiviral therapeutics, but we’re going to digress a little bit to the health coach because the questions are going to be, well, where do I get my stuff right? That’s what Kenna is going to be able to give us some information. Tell us a little bit about what we can do to help people and guide people other than just this basic information.


[00:13:48] Right. So as you guys were talking about hygiene, of course, making sure you’re brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Flossing, so much bacteria is in your gums and it actually goes into your bloodstream through there. After that, we want to make sure you’re like I said, showering, bathing, washing your hands all the time, things like that before you eat after you touch a doorknob, pump gas. All of that stuff matters. As far as the specific nutraceuticals go, I do have some protocols that we’ve researched in place. They’re about to be shown on the screen. So if we all take a look, I actually have three separate things here. The first one I want to call attention to is a hand sanitizer recipe. I know that hand sanitizer is selling out extremely quick. In most places, but this is a recipe that you can make your own sanitizer at home. It’s 4 ounces, so it’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing. And you can keep it with you. Travel on your purse. Things like that. And then we also have to the right of that. My recommendation for adults. So the adults have all of these supplements that we will go into a little bit more detail as we’re going through the different stages. But you can see right there, licorice extract is on there as well as greens first. What this is, is it’s a powder and you can actually get 20 plus servings of fruits and vegetables just within two scoops. So when we add that into water every single day, it’s really going to help our guts. It’s going to help just fight off more things. Your immunity is going to be stronger just by those increased vegetables, because sometimes getting all the servings that you need is not as easy as we think.


[00:15:29] I was going to ask, is this a link that we can get or is that something that we can? Because I know that we tried to create a link that was available to our patients because these are a many times pharmaceutical grade, as well as grades that are limited by the state and to regulations. We have to have a go through a doctor. So this is something that you can present or you print up or just take a picture or chew on this a little bit and get presented here to doctors and let them see if they recommend this for you as well. OK. So this is depending on each individual based on that. So tell us a little bit about how to, what else we have on here.


[00:16:03] What else we have on here is for the kids because they are smaller and they’re a little bit more sensitive. We have a recommendation of probiotics and multi-vitamins. Multivitamins are great because they do provide so much of the actual vitamins that you need and all the little things that your body could be lacking. So those are really going to help your children. Also with the coronavirus. Kids are showing more to be carriers and not less be infected. So they can have, they can test positive for this, but they’re not getting sick. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t bring it home to their parents and their family, which is why it’s important that everybody gets that protection that they need to really help build their immune system.


[00:16:46] I’d say that they are infected, but they’re not actually presenting the symptoms or presenting the results of that. So they are carriers because certain people become carriers and certain people become affected by it. So there’s a whole lot of pre-disposition factors that to this day aren’t figured out. But what we’re trying to do is to lay down some nutritional physiology that is actually going to give you the strength and the ability to do the best physiologically in return. In terms of that, what else do we have in there?


[00:17:14] I also put my email and my phone number up on the screen, if you would like the direct link to these supplements. If you e-mail us with your first name, your last name, and then of course, your e-mail, or you call us and give us that same information. This is how we’ll be able to send you the direct link for the supplements that we have made up for this protocol.


[00:17:36] Again, the other thing that we also noticed is that on many times you may want to always. And this is something I highly recommend you present this to your doctors and let them kind of become a team with you in this process, because misinformation is what we’re certainly not wanting to do. We want to add information and give you more options. I was going to ask Truide, if she’s had any frustrations listening to what people are purchasing on the Internet or the mass kind of hysteria we have going through on our country. Have you noticed that, Truide, at all?


[00:18:12] Oh, absolutely. I mean, obviously, there’s the backorder on hand sanitizer on any type of disinfected wipes, toilet paper. I don’t know why, but people are just going crazy buying toilet paper. And then it’s just kind of like, you know, like the sheep protocol, you know, everybody is doing it. And I’m thinking to my head, do I need to buy it, too? I mean, are we going to run out on, you know, a pair of perishable goods, you know, canned soups. And it’s just, you know, all this kind of chaos that is being created. Unfortunately, a lot of the times, you know, because of the wrong information. And I’m glad that we’re putting the right protocol as far as nutraceuticals. Absolutely. Ask your doctor first, but at least he’s given us the regular population that we don’t have all the background on medical approach. What to do.


[00:19:00] As for me, a proactive approach. I think it’s irresponsible from anyone who knows something and doesn’t share it. So today’s forum is this and we are as such. Let’s go back to section one, please. On the antiviral issues as we are preventing the antiviral replication. So that was basically part one. OK. And we can go into the nutraceuticals and let’s go back in there and we can take a look at… that’s the beginning. So where we’re dealing with zinc, lysine, and selenium specifically, these are to prevent antiviral replication. So that’s the important component there. Let’s go to section 2 now. And that’s where we’re gonna bring in Alexander, who’s going to help us a little bit understand in terms of the replication issues. Now, again, as we go in here, we can actually see that there’s some DNA components. You’re going to hear a lot of talk about N-Acetyl-Cystine, selenium, and zinc. And he’s got a little bit of an approach and presentation regarding the DNA and its effect on how the virus affects the DNA. So tell us a little bit Alexander as to what your thoughts are on this.


[00:20:04] So there’s a couple of different approaches that I’d like to take a look at here. First one I’d like to highlight, Mrs.Trudy was talking about how all the hand sanitizers are kind of going out of sale. So hand sanitizers have a alcohol base to them. They’re pretty good at killing bacteria, but not as effective as washing your hands. The main reason is that these soaps that you use contain a chemical called SDS, which is an amphipathic molecule, which is kind of the technical term for saying that it has polar and non-polar regions. So the cool part about these amphipathic molecules is that it denatures, these proteins and forces them to pretty much congregate in different directions, exposing them in directions that they wouldn’t normally be exposed. So that’s why washing your hands is more effective than using hand sanitizer versus hand sanitizer. Yes, you may kill off most of these viruses, but any of the viruses that have lived are already going to develop an immune response. They’re going to be immune pretty much to these hands sanitizers in the future. So always make sure that you’re washing your hands. Now, when it comes to stuff like zinc, so zinc, I know that Dr. Vasquez had explained to it pretty much says that it has antiviral properties. So lets kind of explain what that means. So zinc at the molecular level is a positive ion. So it’s ZN2+. When we look at the DNA and RNA structures, all these structures are negatively charged. So when we have a negative and a positive structure they tend to attract to the other. And once they congregate and they bind to each other, they most of the time can not replicate or function in the way they were designed to. So whether it’s zinc or magnesium or any positive ions, they’re going to end up binding to each other. And keep in mind that Dr. Alex Vasquez only prescribes… was it 50 milligrams of it? Correct? I believe? Up to. Up to 50 milligrams. So make sure that you’re not going overboard with zinc, because I can tell you personally, zinc poisoning is not a fun thing. So make sure everything in moderation is always condoned. So that’s how these positive ions interact with each other. Now, when it comes to N-Acetyl-Cysteine and selenium, there’s a couple of cool things about them. So cysteine and selenium are mainly involved in the glutathione pathway formation. Now, glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant and it’s composed of glycine, glutamate, and cysteine. NAC is used in a couple other treatments, for example. It’s also used in acetaminophen overdoses in hospitals. But another important aspect is used to rejuvenate those glutathione levels. Now, glutathione is going to have a very specific mechanism on how it works. Its main job is to break down hydrogen peroxide that the body normally forms. Now, when you have a cell that’s been hijacked by a virus, it’s going to end up producing a lot more oxidative stress on the cell, eventually causing apoptosis. In normal conditions when a cell goes through apoptosis…


[00:22:58] I’m sorry, Alex.


[00:22:59] What does apoptosis mean? Apoptosis is a fancy word for saying cell death. So pretty much the cell just explodes. Gotcha. At the cellular level. In normal situation, we would want this for a cell that’s not functioning correctly or that has exceeded its lifespan. But when we’re talking about virulent infections, the virus is replicating in large amounts within that cell, causing this stress on the cell. And when it dies or explodes, hence apoptosis, it’s going to start infecting other cells at an exponential rate. So by rejuvenating these glutathione levels through the use of N-Acetyl-Cysteine or NAC and selenium, which is the cofactor for forming glutathione, we allow the cell to keep up with the mechanisms that the virus is producing and allow the body kind of like a buffer period so it can actually kill off these viruses in its normal immune response.


[00:23:53] So what you’re basically saying, N-Acetyl-Cysteine could be considered the… it helps strengthen your immune reaction by powering it up and making sure that it continues in the right direction, correct?


[00:24:06] Exactly. Got it. OK. Makes sense. OK. So did you want to add something? No. No.


[00:24:12] And then just selenium is the cofactor to produce and form, glutathione.


[00:24:18] Got it. OK. Let’s go back out. Let’s go take a look at the presentation here. So as we look at that, let’s go ahead. So the issues is, is that when the virus comes in, it typically, it hijacks the Nrf2 factors. Lets go ahead and look at inhibitors Nf-kB and the area here, this is to stop the replication. So these are things that we have been able to use to that. We have many research articles. And again, I have a link on the front page that you can actually see all the documentation and the research behind each one of these supplements as to what to take and how to take. Please understand that these are the information that is presented out there. We must have your doctor evaluate these first. If you’ve got kidney disease, if you’ve got heart disease. It is wise to always talk to your doctor because what a person with kidney disorder may have or may not have ability to. That’s where those smart people, like a nephrologist would actually say this is a good thing or this is not a good thing in your particular situation. Now, Astrid, you’ve got you put together here a little bit of this supplementation, is that correct? Or and these particular supplementation, as I know it was either myself that instructed you or Kenna. Which one was the one that put together this list here?

[00:25:31] It was between everyone. Got it.


[00:25:35] Got it. So let me, let’s go through those and tell me a little bit about their, can you read those out so people can actually have this as the auditory sound as well? Sees these.


[00:25:45] So basically, some of the nutraceuticals that we have here, these are, as you mentioned before, these are inhibitors of NF-kB. Essentially NF-kB is its main component that is associated with what their immune system and then within the cell.


[00:26:04] This is what controls inflammation and what controls all of these inflammatory reactions, responses that are from the immune system to control infections and viruses and things like that. So the list that we have here, it’s quite a long list.


[00:26:22] Let me go ahead and read them. So we have obviously vitamin D3. D3 is huge. It shows so many positive results. We’ve got the CAPE, which is the Bee Propolis. Boswellia serratia.


[00:26:35] Coenzyme Q. We got curcumin, we got GLA, we got the grape seed extract, we got green tea, we got… go ahead and pronounce these isohumulones and lipoic acid. We got EPA, we got resveratrol, we’ve got rosemary, we got selenium, we got zinc, we got alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. OK, these are all things to inhibitors of NF-kB, which is causing the inflammatory cascade. So if we can take supplements that have this in it that are natural, that’s the best way to approach in and least one option to approach and to supplement our immune structure. So we’re gonna go back away from this for a second here and we’re gonna go into the area of the number three, which is the cell support system, which is part of immunonutrition. Now, in the terms of the immunitynutrition, again, we got the arrow pointing to the other part of the main diagram here. OK, now nutrition and the immune function emphasizes low carbohydrate. This is very critical. We cannot be taking simple sugars when we’re bodies, is having this kind of dealings and preparing our body for, let’s say, an issue. We also got the things that are on here like smoking. Smoking has also been known to the people who have that history of smoking seem to have a little bit harder of work through with the virus. So what we want to do is we want to limit those things that cause oxidation. So tell me a little bit about this, because, Kenna, you were the one that presented this one a little bit, right. So as we did that, I want to go ahead and at least understand a little bit of the approach of the vitamin A, vitamin D3, zinc and probiotics. Again, as you notice in the Venn diagram, offers a ability to see how things correlate. And though this may be just the part of the immunonutrition, it’s so also correlates with anti replication genomics as well as antiviral effects.


[00:28:22] All right. So if you go ahead and click into the nutraceutical bubble, it will expand on those vitamins just a little bit more there. Once again, these are studies that are in Dr. Alex Vasquez’s book. And from what his research has shown, vitamin A is great for all ages. So these are just a few different doses that are up on the screen. But it has been shown that 300,000 IU per day for three to five days of vitamin A can help with acute infections. So we’re really going to want those vitamin A numbers or vitamin A to be present in the vitamins that we are taking. That way we can be sure to kind of combat this in case we were to come in contact. You want to be prepared first so you don’t always have to start taking these vitamins after you’re starting to feel symptoms or things like that. Talk to your doctor now. Bring him to them, him tomorrow, things like that. So you can kind of start to get your immune system prepared in case you are to come across this.


[00:29:21] And by the way, all these supplements are part of little small little packages in vitamins. And people have done all this hard work for you. But this is kind of the background knowledge for that.


[00:29:28] Also, infants and ages six to 11 months, you can also take 100,000 IU per day for two doses. And that has also been shown to help with measles. So as you can see there, it’s helping with infections and measles, things like that. Those are all obviously things that happen to your immune system. So vitamin A is a super great one. Another one that we mentioned is the vitamin D, vitamin D, 4,000 to 10,000 IU per day for acute infections has been shown to help fight it off and reduce the rate at which it’s producing inside.


[00:30:07] Yes. The virus load. Yeah. Yeah. I got you.


[00:30:11] All right. And then also at the top we have glutamine and that one has been shown nine to 18 grams per day between meals. So that one will also help with, you know, the research that has been shown for sickle cell or burns. So it’s going to help heal and it’s going to help your body where it needs help.


[00:30:32] In terms of this presentation, we’re gonna do this in dicing. This is a one long one, but we’re gonna dice it up. We’re going to break it apart. But we wanted to do. It’s quite large and quite long and quite lengthy. But we will break it up into part 1, 2, 3 and 4 to discuss this particular dynamics in terms of preparing your family now. Let’s go back, let’s back away a little bit for a second here. Now I’m going to go back to Truide, because what I want to do is I want you to give me what you would be. What are you looking for in terms of as a person trying to protect your family, specifically regarding supplementation?


[00:31:06] Well, other than obviously, you know, always doing good hygiene. What would be the first step for me as a mom to take not just for my family, but for my children? What would be the immediate thing that I should be doing?


[00:31:16] First thing is to begin slowly. We don’t want to be taking bolus as it is no different than trying to, you know, be fed once every 30 days and take a blast. The body that progressively begins the process of nutrition does it over time because the body gets stronger over time. So in essence, we first have to realize that our diet today or the SAD diet, which is the standard American diet, has a lot of holes in it.


[00:31:40] And what we want to do is to begin the process of upping the anti in for our immune system, cleaning out the issues, make sure our children have probiotics, make sure our children have great oral hygiene so that the immune system can respond better. So, in essence, preparing your family by understanding intestinal, oral health is a huge component of what goes on, but also going into and preparing the cellular physiology for the, let’s say, inevitable body immune, let’s say insult or preparation process, because not everyone gets this and not everyone presents symptoms. But for those that are prepared better, well, it’s just very commonsense that they will build both better. So I hope that answers your question in terms of things you can do. You got to get water. You got to make sure your children are hydrated. You’ve got to make sure your kids sleep well. So sleeping is a critical thing because there are so many physiological processes that get recovered. And even though that seems like a easy way out to give an answer, go to sleep better. No, sleeping is huge. The body who sleeps and the body that rests better is the body that protects itself better if that makes any sense. What other questions that you, did that help you with an answer?


[00:32:51] Oh, absolutely. Definitely. You know, it gives me a big picture of, you know, why it would be the steps. And I think you’re touching a very good point. You said, you know what, this is, you know, a little by little and you’re not going to start taking all this tons of supplements all at once and expect results. Number one, good diet, rest, you know, good hygiene, and start implementing the supplements, you know, and then the key point here is check with your doctor. And also outreach to us. And we can certainly give you, you know, some direction as to what are the steps to take.


[00:33:23] But yes, absolutely, it answers. To make it logical and an easier approach. You know what it’s like? You’re going to get it on. If you’re going to get it on with the virus or if you’re gonna get it on with your immune system, what are you gonna do? You’re going to prepare. It’s like a meat. You’re going to prepare your body to prepare. You just don’t show up without training for it or getting the body ready for it. So as the body gets ready, it needs nutraceuticals, it needs phytonutrients, it needs good vegetables, it needs good stuff in the body. So that’s what our job is to do, to rev up the ante, to get the body ready for any possibility, so to speak, in terms over in our new world here.


[00:33:59] So and then I guess I would want to add to I guess if someone just wanted to start off with something simple, especially for their kids, one good one to do would be cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is really high in EPA and DHA. So we’ve got the omegas covered there. It’s also high in vitamin D. So we’ve got that covered there and it also has vitamin A as well. So if you want to start off with something simple, I’d definitely recommend cod liver oil. I know that there’s different flavored ones online that don’t taste like too fishy. And that’s a great way just to start off with something simple as well as good, good nutritional support while you’re eating, make sure you’re eating a bunch of different vegetables as well as rest.


[00:34:41] Yeah. So that’s something that’s huge. I mean, grandma was right. Grandma was right. Giving you a thing of cod liver oil. Grandmas were very aware that exercise. Exercise a moderate amount. So keeping your body active and avoiding, you know, and also avoiding the lack of inactivity because inactivity breeds the body’s inability to react. So the more if you do get some basic exercise, don’t go extreme but workout, but get it going on. Also, the logic is to avoid people. And as they can’t you know, you can’t say it enough. If someone is sick? Send them home, you know, there’s no reason to test the body and to put the dynamics of, let’s say, your work environment in that arena. It is easy. And I think the government is making sure that everyone gets taken care of, at least on the economic level. So when we look at that, let’s go back to the immunonutrition. We’re talking about vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, and probiotics. Again, the Venn diagram, as described, does cover these things now. Glutamine and arginine and nucleotides are things where we are looking at those are amino acids. And that’s why we want to make sure that the protein levels are good in the body. Because as the studies do show that the people who have glutamine, arginine, and nucleotides or good protein have a less of morbidity or mortality rate in specifically of what the results are with this particular dynamics. Now, in terms of the stage level four, which is the self-support because we’ve gone in that area, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna kind of bring an end to this in a moment. But I want people to kind of see what they can do for in terms of diet. There are paleo diets which improves insulin sensitivity and reduces cardiovascular disease. These are good diets to follow, the standard American diet, which is the SAD diet. It causes systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, which is what we’ve been talking about. We’ve been talking about antioxidants and limiting the ability of the NF-kB system or the kicking off or the hijacking of the Nrf2 factors, which is the area where viruses vector towards and they try to replicate themselves. So if you can prepare the body better, this is always a better approach. Now again, you have your fruits and your vegetables to reduce upper respiratory infection. Well, the ability to have selenium, zinc, glutathione, and N-Acetyl-Cysteine. These are areas that we can prevent the replication of the virus. Vitamin D3 is huge in its ability to help out and protect us at the endothelial level. It is obvious it is one of our greatest areas that produces the vitamin D, which is our skin. It is our biggest protector, and when exposed to the sun, it actually provides the D3 in this situation, what we want to do is we want to supplement with that. And I think we went through that. Now let’s go back to the main areas, because I want to leave you guys with at least a visual of what we have in terms of our approach is now there are different approaches here from the youth to the adults as well as the teens. But right here we have a whole list where we’ve just gone over. But there is no replacement from good food, OK? Pharmacology will not replace food. Okay. It just doesn’t change and it doesn’t bode well to try to create pharmacology answers. But they work together. There are definite antivirals that work together. But we cannot replace good nutrition. And the most important thing here is to give ourselves and individuals like our families and Truide, who is indicating like what to do and how to feed our families. So, Truide, a little bit about if you kind of got some information here that would help you in terms of how you can protect or better prepare your family other than just buy toilet paper.


[00:38:08] Right. So, don’t go buy toilet paper right now.


[00:38:11] Well, yeah, you need toilet paper, but don’t go crazy.


[00:38:14] Well, basically, I mean, what I’m getting, you know, get a good multivitamin, obviously enough sleep, continue to do good hygiene, not just now, but continue throughout the rest of your life.


[00:38:25] And you know not sugars, because obviously, you know, bacteria and viruses, they rely on sugars. And that’s something that I have learned in the past with my kids. That is just not good. Sugars are not good and giving them a good balanced meal. Absolutely. You know, get away from the fast food, get good snacks. So that way they can always have something to go to that it’s not sugary, that it’s nutritional, that it’s well-balanced and, you know, and implement the veggies.


[00:38:53] I’m going to go ahead and I’m gonna flick this over to Kenna, because what I want Kenna to give me, is a little bit of insight as to what goes on? But before I go to Kenna, I know that Astrid wants to say something. She wants to point out some particular aspect of this particular screen.


[00:39:07] Well, I basically just wanted to give everyone a kind of a takeaway, because we’ve been discussing a lot about these supplements. And I’m pretty sure a lot of you guys, all these viewers and everyone who’s listening in, maybe this is a bit of an overwhelming list, maybe, probably a bunch of supplements here that maybe a lot of you have never heard about. So I want to, as the chief editor for Dr. Alex Jimenez’s blog, I’ve done tons of research in a bunch of these supplements. But I want to give you guys a bit of a takeaway. So I want to kind of discuss, you know, one of my specialties. One of the things that I love to research about mostly is about nutrition and these nutraceuticals. But I actually want to discuss kind of like we’ve mentioned, you know, these supplements, you want to first make sure you talk to your healthcare professional, to a doctor and discuss what’s the proper dosage basically for you to take and to increase your immune system. But one of the things that I actually want to do to basically highlight, you know, for all of you guys who are listening and all the viewers. It’s important to also follow a good nutrition. Kind of like rest, you know, keep a hygiene and be involved in exercise and physical activity. But we also want to make sure that we’re putting in good food in our bodies.


[00:40:33] You know, we want to in order to promote overall health and wellness, we want to be able to eat good food. So kind of like how we were talking about going into the immunonutrition part of this presentation of this podcast. Protein is actually very critical for our immune system. And one of the supplements, one of the nutraceuticals up here on this list that I really want to highlight is actually glutamine. So in clinical practice, glutamine is recommended to take within nine to 18 grams per day between meals or that is 3 to 9 grams, basically three times a day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But actually, you know, to now to provide you guys with that bit of a takeaway, I want to discuss what you can eat actually to I guess, you know, like to kind of bypass a little bit of this supplements. You know, if we’re not sure where to get these supplements, if we still need to take that extra step to go to the doctor and to talk to, you know, to get the proper dosage. There’s actually several foods out there that you can eat, you know, give yourself proper nutrition to provide yourself with glutamine. So just to kind of I guess give you guys a little bit about what glutamine is. You know, since we’re kind of highlighting and we keep referencing a lot to it here, glutamine is actually an amino acid. What that is, is it is actually a building block for protein. So as we discussed, the protein is absolutely critical for our immune system and glutamine. It is actually naturally produced in the body and it is actually one of the most abundant amino acids that we have. But now, given kind of going into this whole coronavirus and infections, you know, people who are already, I guess, hit with these infections, people who have injuries, even I found certain research studies that people who have severe burns may also have certain glutamine deficiencies because their immune system is basically going haywire, it’s going crazy. So basically, we can find glutamine in the highest amounts in animal products.


[00:42:57] What products did you have? Do you have the specific ones?


[00:43:00] Yeah, yeah. I have eggs, beef, milk, you know, dairy products, basically like those kind of animal products, essentially. And glutamine can also be found in some amounts in plant based foods. And those are the ones that I want to kind of highlight are white rice and corn.


[00:43:21] The N-Acetyl-Cysteine is a precursor to the glutamine glutamate area. So one of the things is that when we have the driver NAC or N-Acetyl-Cysteine, it actually is the thing that works along with that particular amino acid. So let me ask you in terms of this approach, Kenna going back to Truide’s design.


[00:43:40] What can these, what kind of directions can we give individuals in terms that have questions or want to further kind of help their families lay down some good more protection?


[00:43:53] Right. So going off of all those points, we can of course, I put my email up on the screen earlier and our phone number so you can always take the recommendations that we have to your doctor as well as email us or call us with certain questions you have. But in addition to that, things you can take home to your family would be, of course, the hygiene to start a good multivitamin. That one’s going to have everything that you need. NAC is a great supplement. Vegetables as we are talking about and a great thing for kids for snack. Something quick, you can cut up bell peppers, avocado slices, carrots, tomatoes, all those things are quick to grab if you already have them cut up in your fridge. A great snack and it’ll keep your kids away from chips and things like that that will kind of decrease their immune system. They’re still getting that crunch that they’re wanting.


[00:44:44] All right. Well, thank you, guys. And I want to tell you that, again, everything in here has been put together because the knowledge is out there. We just have a tendency through our awareness to sometimes not open the book of the past. And these ideas of this virus. So this is a very virulent virus. It has it’s power. You can see it propagating through the United States. You just have to go to the CDC website as it travels. You can see it traveling through Europe and as it enters a mechanism, it begins, it has a beginning and it has a middle. And it has an end. And as it works its way through, because we’re here in the states and it’s starting really at this point, we want to make sure that we also help people prepare.


[00:45:27] Because when people don’t know how to prepare, they make some judgment calls that are kind of a little chaotic, like we keep on using the example of buying too much toilet paper because it seems like they’re just where everyone’s because they don’t know. So excessive buying occurs. But when we think about it, what do we do and how do we do it? And when do we do it? That’s my purpose of presenting this thing. So as we do this kind of stuff, it’s not to to jump in and present a level of information that is disinformation. We’re just present information that’s already out there. And this information has been put together by great scientists, great doctors. We’ve referenced one Dr. Alex Vasquez here, who really has taken on a life work of making sure that we have antiviral strategies and that I do think when it comes home to it, people want to know and people do want to prepare their families. And for the people who get educated, they start getting pieces and pieces and pieces and it becomes frustrating. Here it’s kind of put together, but before anything, you can take this information and present it to your doctor and say, is this OK for me? And let that approach kind of be the thing that guides you. But like anything else, if we’re going to head into a meet, we’re going to prep, we’re gonna get ready, we’re gonna get it on. And when we get it on the best way, we can get our children and them to be able to get it on with the world that they have to deal with is to prepare. So that is our entire purpose of this antiviral strategies. We’re going to continue to do this kind of stuff and present so that it is out there and let it fall where it may. And it may be offensive to some, it may be useful to others. And I hope and pray that everyone can use a little bit of information and look around and say, hey, you know what? Eating McDonald’s, eating food that, not just McDonald’s, but foods that are not as well nourished in those areas or fast foods. Those things are going to be probably not the best option because you can eat McDonald’s if you probably eat good food, too, but you’ve got to prepare the body in a better way. So my goal here is not to present too much information, but for those and the world that right now wants to learn, it’s available. And here we have it. So I thank you guys for the opportunity. And we will continue to bring in information. And again, this information was brought to you because people want to know. OK. Thank you, guys.



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The information herein on "Dr. Alex Jimenez Podcast: Antiviral Strategies for Boosting Immunity" is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional or licensed physician and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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Our information scope is limited to Chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, contributing etiological viscerosomatic disturbances within clinical presentations, associated somatovisceral reflex clinical dynamics, subluxation complexes, sensitive health issues, and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions.

We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from various disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Our videos, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate to and directly or indirectly support our clinical scope of practice.*

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We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez, DC, or contact us at 915-850-0900.

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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN*, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, ATN*

email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com

Licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) in Texas & New Mexico*
Texas DC License # TX5807, New Mexico DC License # NM-DC2182

Licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN*) in Florida
Florida License RN License # RN9617241 (Control No. 3558029)
Compact Status: Multi-State License: Authorized to Practice in 40 States*
Presently Matriculated: ICHS: MSN* FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner Program)

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN* CIFM*, IFMCP*, ATN*, CCST
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Dr. Alex Jimenez

Specialties: Stopping the PAIN! We Specialize in Treating Severe Sciatica, Neck-Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Knee Injuries, Sports Injuries, Dizziness, Poor Sleep, Arthritis. We use advanced proven therapies focused on optimal Mobility, Posture Control, Deep Health Instruction, Integrative & Functional Medicine, Functional Fitness, Chronic Degenerative Disorder Treatment Protocols, and Structural Conditioning. We also integrate Wellness Nutrition, Wellness Detoxification Protocols, and Functional Medicine for chronic musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, we use effective "Patient Focused Diet Plans," Specialized Chiropractic Techniques, Mobility-Agility Training, Cross-Fit Protocols, and the Premier "PUSH Functional Fitness System" to treat patients suffering from various injuries and health problems.
Ultimately, I am here to serve my patients and community as a Chiropractor, passionately restoring functional life and facilitating living through increased mobility.

Purpose & Passions:
I am a Doctor of Chiropractic specializing in progressive, cutting-edge therapies and functional rehabilitation procedures focused on clinical physiology, total health, functional strength training, functional medicine, and complete conditioning. In addition, we focus on restoring normal body functions after neck, back, spinal and soft tissue injuries.

We use Specialized Chiropractic Protocols, Wellness Programs, Functional & Integrative Nutrition, Agility & Mobility Fitness Training, and Cross-Fit Rehabilitation Systems for all ages.

As an extension to dynamic rehabilitation, we offer our patients, disabled veterans, athletes, young and elder a diverse portfolio of strength equipment, high-performance exercises, and advanced agility treatment options. In addition, we have teamed up with the cities premier doctors, therapists, and trainers to provide high-level competitive athletes the options to push themselves to their highest abilities within our facilities.

We've been blessed to use our methods with thousands of El Pasoans over the last 3 decades allowing us to restore our patients' health and fitness while implementing researched non-surgical methods and functional wellness programs.

Our programs are natural and use the body's ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. As a result, please live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.

With a bit of work, we can achieve optimal health together, regardless of age, ability, or disability.

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