It is not news that mitochondria are not the ONLY powerhouses of our body. Indeed, our gut microbiome can metabolize foods that were thought to be undigestible and...
Fifty-four million adults currently suffer from Arthritis. In addition to that, about 9% of adults have some type of limitation attributed to Arthritis. The CDC predicts...
Gut microbiota has a wide variety of metabolic activities. I would like to rephrase that, more than activities, they are responsibilities. Nowadays, we know that the gut...
The cytokine storm present in COVID-19 in obese patients (and normal-weight patients) develops acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This syndrome is characterized...
Tissues The human body is composed of many tissues. Each organ in the body can be broken down into tissues. Tissues are sorted based on their basic functions. These...
Immunonutrition therapy application is varied, ranging from severely ill patients, perioperative immunonutrition, athletic enhancement, and more recently in the COVID...
This current year, we are still dealing with two global pandemics: obesity and, despite the new hope that vaccination brings, COVID-19. Previous literature has reported...
Physical exercise has a powerful effect on our bodies. Most of the exercise benefits can be measurable such as body composition modification and physical endurance...
Nutritional assessment is a critical step that inpatients have to go through before undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, even with the obesity pandemic, most patients fall...
For cervical pain, there is often more than one cause and more than one course of treatment. To begin, the first step is to perform an inspection. The inspection can let...