Introduction As we know, hormones in the body can help individuals function throughout the day. Since they are secreted in the endocrine system and...
Category - Basal Metabolic Index (BMI)
Basal Metabolic Index (BMI): BMI or Body Mass Index is a statistical measure which compares a person’s height and weight in order to determine their overall body composition and fat. If the BMI classification is beyond normal, then the person would be considered obese and have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.  Although BMI doesn’t measure body fat directly, it uses the weight and height to determine whether an individual is classified as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.
BMI is measured by dividing a person’s weight in pounds by the square of their height in inches, then multiplying by 703. The equation looks like this: BMI = (weight / height x height) x 703.
For example if an individual is 125 pounds and 5 feet 4 inches, then the BMI = (125 / 64 x 64) x 703 = 21.4. This BMI puts the individual in the normal weight range.
This measurement correlates moderately well with other measurements of body fat such as skinfold measurements and underwater weighing according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Introduction In the body, there are many systems that help it function properly, and one of them is hormones. Hormones are secreted through the...
Introduction When the body is functioning properly, it is due to the hormones working on each organ and body system for individuals to achieve...
Introduction The body’s entire system is controlled by hormones. Hormones are what make the body regulate temperature and control the organ...
Introduction Hormones in the body control the organs and the entire body system, from the endocrine system to the body’s temperature. When hormones...
Introduction In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez DC* and Dr. Mario Ruja DC* explained what is basal metabolic rate, BMI, and BIA to the body...
In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez, health coach Kenna Vaughn, Astrid Ornelas, Truide Torres, and biochemist Alexander Isaiah Jimenez discuss...
In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, Health Coach Kenna Vaughn, Truide Torres, Alexander Jimenez, and Astrid Ornelas discuss and focus on a...