As previously stated, menopause is a turning point in a women’s life, a rite of passage that will commence the next step. Indeed, menopause itself has multiple...
Women’s menstrual cycle means, for most of them, going on a rollercoaster of feelings. Indeed, the menstrual cycle comes with familiar symptoms that are typical...
The gut has a significant impact on the rest of the body systems. Research has shown an overlap in risk profiles when assessing the gut and its connection to the other...
Almost one-third of a woman’s lifetime is composed of her post-menopausal years. However, to make it to that time, several rites of passage need to be crossed...
Our daily routine is full of processes that expose us to different chemical toxins. Somewhere around the fact that we needed to preserve the storage life of our products...
Women’s health encompasses a multitude of factors that are carefully orchestrated by hormones. In turn, hormones can be produced by different glands and tissues...
The human body is more complex than scientists understand. Constantly, new research is being conducted and published that dives deeper into the bodies of multiple...
Degenerative diseases, specifically those that affect joints and muscle, produce detrimental effects on movement, agility, strength, and quality of life. Numerous...
Urolithin A is the most abundant type of urolithin produced by the human microbiota. This nutritional compound is derived from ellagitannins and ellagic acid commonly...
The metabolic effect of gut-derived metabolites coincides with the prevention of conditions like obesity and diabetes in mouse models. However, to produce the beneficial...