Everyone has different personalities, body structures, and foot shapes that are unique to the individual. With custom foot orthotics, they actually fit the...
Foot pronation is common and affects many people. However, most people are not aware that they are pronating their feet when they walk. This issue is best to get...
Being involved in an auto accident can cause many complications to the body and affect a person’s quality of life. From whiplash to other automobile accidents...
Low back pain is one of the most common problems Americans face. Low back pain affects many different people at different times in their lives. Low back pain is...
James Hale and his daughter talk about their personal experience with Dr. Alexander Jimenez and how he helped them through sports injuries. For athletes, injuries are...
Knee injuries and other sports-related injuries occur naturally through competitive sports tournaments. Alex Jimenez and Vincent Garcia talk about their injuries and how...
April and Manuel are two patients who have been treated first hand by Dr. Jimenez. They share their stories about how their pain had taken joy out of their lives and how...
Approximately one in four individuals have experienced low back pain from everyday activities that they may endure. Surprisingly though, the problem may be from the...
Biotransformation (previously known as detoxification) is taking the body and putting it through a short period of cleansing. This cleansing is designed to act as a...
Neuropathy can be debilitating. The pain of neuropathy can start out mild but can quickly escalate. The patients who suffer from neuropathy pain are forced to live a...