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Home » How To Seize The Day With Dr. Ruja | El Paso, TX (2021)

How To Seize The Day With Dr. Ruja | El Paso, TX (2021)


In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez sits down with Dr. Mario Ruja about how to become more mindful and take every opportunity to be with the ones that you love so it can help your mind, body, and soul.

How Do I Become More Mindful?


[00:00:00] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: What we’re going to be discussing today is the issues of how this coronavirus is affecting us, Mario. I know you just came in here right now, and we were trying to figure out the angle that people are noticing this thing happening? And we’re getting bombarded by a lot of issues. Now you’re a business owner, right? So you’ve owned the business for how long were you?


[00:00:43] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: You know what, I guess 20 plus years.


[00:00:48] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah, and I’d venture to say that I’ve done it for about 30 years. You know what? Today, we are being presented with one of the craziest dynamics that has ever hit our country and particularly our world. This is almost like a movie War of the Worlds situation where we see humanity adapting in a way. But you know what? We see our government coming in and discussing particular issues protecting small businesses. I heard today that they’re watching the 500 plus employees companies, and they’re offering benefits for that. But we also have issues of families at home in how to deal with that. Now I know you’ve done a lot of work in spirituality and homes and understand the dynamics of being at home and the dramas of being at home. So you can almost see I can see in Facebook a lot of drama occurring due to being at home. And those effects ripple through the communities as we’ve not been used to being at home for up to three weeks now. We started at the first two weeks, one week or an extension for schools. Now we got two weeks. Now we’re even hearing April six even further in two or even at the shutting off the school year for some students. How do you suggest people look at this and approach these new dynamics with all the things happening because it’s affecting companies? I mean, you’re a business owner; it’s going to affect you. It’s going to affect us. We certainly don’t want people working when they’re sick. But how does it affect you and your particular practice, Mario?


[00:02:26] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Alex, it is like everyone else in my world. Throughout, gosh, I mean, this is like a very pressing conversation. I can tell you that any time there is a state of alert to the point where it’s nationwide and worldwide, it starts to impact normal life, family, and work function. It starts to have some tough dynamics that everyone is not used to understanding and working through. So this is not a conversation that we are prepared to deal with and do our very best. Just like in sports, and you know this very well. When you are prepared for high stress, high impact, high performance. You have to have your 10000 hours put in to be ready for that event, for that strict competitive mode, so you don’t break down now; what’s happening here, Alex? This is a conversation that none of us have been primed, prepared, and mindfully for us throughout to any extent, all the way from health care professionals to teachers to business owners and employees, and this is not something to be messed with. I mean, we’ve gotten to the point where we’re even like a fire drill. You know, something that occurs in many places, Alex. A fire drill lets you go through a fire drill. You know, at least you go through it. You evacuate. Where are the exits? Where’s this? So at least you do it maybe once a year? Maybe twice a year. I’m not sure what it is. All of us are prepared for that. We’re prepared to evacuate. We have a plan.You have your map, you know, exactly to go to the door closest to your office, and then there is an evacuation system that everyone talks about. There’s an emergency system you call 9-1-1, and there’s a protocol for an emergency, whether it’s someone that has a heart attack or someone who stopped breathing. There’s a protocol, and you get a license for those things. You prepare for those things and practice them again on a model, do your breathing exercises, and say, OK, one two three breath push. So now what’s happening with all of us? This is a conversation where I will venture to say people talked about like maybe 20 years ago, and I’ve listened to different podcasts and different things on YouTube. Well, this doctor talked about this pandemic, 20 years ago and ten and five years ago. And it’s like, “Oh, yeah, whatever you know, heard about it, he’s fanatical, or he’s extreme and put in fear.” Now, all of a sudden, Alex, it’s here, and a conversation that we have is, “OK, it’s spring break, but it’s a little longer than spring break.” This is not spring break. This is a long break. This is a break not only from school. But now we’re talking about work. Now we’re talking about staying at home. So, this is a different animal. This is a different environment that we as human beings, as citizens, as family members are not mindfully trained for this. So some of us overreact, OK? You have those who overreact like they’re walking around with wet wipes and Clorox wipes and spray bottles, Lysol bottles in their hands. OK, you have those who are very diligent and take this seriously, and they don’t want to shake your hand, and they don’t want to even look at you, as a matter of fact, the way you are. And again, I’m not making fun of any of that. But we need to be mindful that you have those people in that state of mind who are not just precautious, but they’re very diligent and afraid. I mean, they’re terrified. So you have that group, and then you have the other group on the other side of the spectrum that says, “No, this is a bunch of bull. I mean, you know, it’s another flu, and it’s not a big deal. Just wash your hands, and don’t cough on people and all that stuff. ” OK, so so you got both sides. And then there’s a group in the middle, and that’s where we stand. Now, when the officials, the government, city, county, and federal government all of a sudden say, “Hold on, we don’t want you to go to school.” Now, it’s not a decision you make on your own, someone who makes this decision for you. So all of a sudden, it escalates this type of fear or situation to another level. Then all of a sudden, you see events like the NBA. We’re not going to have fans in the stands to watch it. Concerts. I know one of the biggest concerts in Texas. I think it’s the Austin Music Festival or Austin Music. You know, the festival is for a whole week. Facebook, I believe I may be wrong, but that’s what I heard; pulled out sponsorship, and the whole concert shut down, and so, this is something that I hold on to like we’re talking about sporting events. We’re talking about this weekend. I was invited over to Phoenix a couple of months ago to participate in the spring training for the MLB. Guess what, Alex? It’s shut down. So you’ve got sporting events shut down, you’ve got schools shut down, you have concerts shut down, all March Madness. There’s no March Madness. It’s March’s sadness. Again the month of March is the biggest college basketball event. This is a whole month event of the year. So this is the biggest one of the year. So what happens is that in this event, this is where college teams go head to head to where only two teams are standing. So this is awesome. Well, guess what? There’s no March Madness. So now colleges don’t go on TV. The ratings are different. All of a sudden, the sponsors are down. So, there’s a cascade. There’s a domino effect, Alex, that is not just mindful, not just self-preservation, but it’s a social patterning that creates inner chaos. And this is where financially, work environment, family, and personal are all-inclusive. And I venture to say most people are not used to being at home with their kids this long. OK? Most most people are not used to preparing. Now I believe in El Paso; five years ago, we had the freeze, and all of a sudden, for three days we didn’t have water, or we didn’t have electricity, maybe for a day and people just went crazy. I mean, they just went, “Oh, hold on. This isn’t very good.” Well, guess what? That’s nothing. And I remember floods. I mean, you’re talking about Dallas. We’re talking about, you know, Katrina, Maria and all of those. Well, guess what? That event is only a week. It’s not a month; it’s not two months; it’s not three months. And those events, those catastrophic hurricanes, are to the point where you can go to safer ground to leave the town. You don’t have to stay there. Like in most of Houston, and you had to Louisiana and New Orleans and Florida, you know, you’re from Florida, and I grew up in Georgia. I went to school there. You evacuate. You evacuate to another town, so you pack up, get your gas, and move on. OK, got it. This is different. You’re not evacuating anywhere. You’re staying where you are staying in a house. And guess what? There’s no toilet paper, and you’re going to Wal-Mart, and it is clean. So it’s a different dynamics with that.


[00:13:05] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: One of the things that we did was that we’ve been experiencing a progression of anxiety. I mean that the progression by that is that it started as a rumor. OK, we saw it traveling through China as it propagates. We’ve seen the impact. I got to tell you; I’m very proud of our local community leaders. We got our mayors. We got our senators. We got our House of Representatives people here actually their front. Pretty good and clear. You can read the body language, the confusion, sometimes even the medical directors of the local area. I don’t think they have it right. I believe that they were a little bit open on their options. The options of going to restaurants and going to places. In my family, I’d be obvious to avoid, and I’m not in the large majority, I mean, a majority of people that I could see that when you see the senator as she was speaking, she was evident. No, you don’t have to go there. If you don’t have to go, don’t go. Some of these restaurants, sometimes they’re contained, and sometimes the bars are, well, they’re closed. The heat, body, dancing, and loudspeakers bode for a particular type of environment and do not cause any drama. But the reality is that the less we can expose ourselves to this kind of situation, even if it is a two percent fatality that they got it at right now, the information is crucial to learn from our people. And we’ve seen that the progression started first with large areas, venues such as big concerts and big competitions like March Madness. And then the thing became log rhythmically in reverse. So there you have 5000 people together, so they stop those and stop big gatherings like football games or baseball games or big NHL. That’s the 50000, the 30000 on the order of logs you know, drop that down by 10, it’s up to 5000. It started at 500. Now you hear rumors of individuals or people in our government limiting the amount of space to less than 50 together. Right. So it’s going down fast. But you can also see the confusion because we get information from outside sources such as CNN, which are magnificent. But you do it in today’s world. We do get information such as things happening in Italy and the drastic effect of making decisions on those older over the 80. And they’re not able to have family visit them, and medical providers have to make decisions. So that chaos is because of the confusion. The fear is because it’s unclear today, we haven’t hit that area of confusion, but we have to depend on our leaders in our local community to guide us. And that becomes a crucial thing. You’ve seen that in the past. And I got to tell you, it’s impressive to watch the ratcheting up of this, and almost every time you go a couple of hours later, the whole design is different. So the thing about it is that as a family unit, we’re sitting inside our homes and now have our children. Some of us have teenagers that don’t want to be limited in this way. And for the first time in the history of their lives, they have to be contained inside a house. So you wanted to say something about that. Go ahead.


How Do I Turn On My Reset Button?


[00:16:40] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: This is a point where I would like to share with our listeners and viewers a concept where you utilize the worst of times to create the best of times. So this is what I called a reset button, Alex. This is a reset, and in nature, it resets in life. It resets in many areas of business it resets, sometimes called bankruptcy. Sometimes it’s called, you know, a catastrophic event to reset to, be more mindful, be more thankful, and be more gracious. So in a way, I would recommend that all of us become more mindful, prayerful, spiritual in this time instead of becoming more fearful, increasing our anxiety. And this frenzy? So why don’t we look at it another way? Why don’t we see this as a plus value, as a blessing, as I like to tell people, you know, the worst of times may be your blessings. The definition of a blessing is how you look at the event and interpret it through your own mind. What story do you want to tell yourself of that event? So I can say this is the worst of my life, which is horrible. And you know what? It traumatized me. And during this time, I made some horrible decisions where I can’t go back on, or you can say this is a very impactful time in my life, Alex. And this is where I took the opportunity to self-evaluate, meditate, pray, and have that time that I didn’t have before because I was working every day because I was dropping off kids, picking them up, dropping them off. So I felt like an uber program where I didn’t even think about what I was doing now. Suddenly, life creates that time frame where you say; You know what? Now you’re going to sit in front of your sixteen-year-old and talk to him. Yeah. You know he’s avoiding you. You’re avoiding him. And guess what? You can’t go anywhere. Yeah, you’re there, and you’re going to engage. So now here it is. So we’ve got our cell phones and all of the paraphernalia of instrumentation; this is a moment to reset our relationships. This is a moment where husbands and wives can come together. You can pray together if that’s what your faith is. You can meditate together. You can just spend time together. You can just be there instead of going through the motions instead of talking at each other and through each other and missing each other. Why don’t you take this opportunity to listen to each other, give each person a chance to share their dreams, their visions? You know, those things that we took for granted, Alex? And so this, I would say, is a huge blessing. It’s an opportunity that’s where I would like to switch that. I want to turn the page on this coronavirus fear and doom, and you’re locked up. No, this is a huge blessing for all of us to come together as a family unit. First, the family unit is formed, and nations are not created out of a single event. They’re out of family units. So this is where the husbands and wives can come together or partners. This is where the children can start playing board games and talking to each other. You know, I encourage families to have talent night. You see, I’d encourage people to do this.


[00:21:21] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yes, I agree.


Have A Conversation With Your Family


[00:21:23] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Not only that but as a family, it helps to catch up with what is going on.


[00:21:26] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Yeah. You know what, Mario? That the point that you’re saying is that it makes sense.


[00:21:38] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: I mean, does that make sense?


[00:21:39] Dr. Alex Jimenez Well, let me tell you a bit of my story. My daughter is a very social creature, and for the first time, she has to learn how to dig in and have a good time. And I got to tell you; I think we’re not unique to society. These new rules that are being placed upon us are there to save us from preventing any issues. But as you indicated, the opportunity to sit and talk to each other. It’s not like, OK, I’m done. I got to go because I have to go to work. I got to go because we got to do this and that. For the first time, we’re sitting in front of each other, and we get in the way. So now we have the opportunity to up the ante on the conversation, on the things you wanted to if you had a dream. A lot of people want to read a book or read two books. Now they’re going to be off for at least three weeks.


[00:22:31] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Now you can go to a library. Do you know what that is? Do you know what I want?


[00:22:37] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I don’t know if I want to go to the library or stay home. Yeah, I got books at home.


[00:22:41] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Yeah. OK, we’ve got our E-books. But this is a beautiful opportunity. So why don’t we create this healing impact? And why don’t we look, observe, redirect, and redefine this time in our lives to where instead of saying this is the worst of times, why don’t we say this is the best of times, Alex? So spiritually, we have to start to manifest that spirit, which is internal by its nature. It’s not external. You know, we’re not going to go out and find spiritual. We have to go deep within ourselves. We have to be silent. Be quiet. You know, shut up sometimes and quit talking. And this is where this time is such a critical time. This is a very suitable time for ourselves, personal, and then our relationship with our significant others, husband, wife, partner, or all incongruity to create that and stop this running around. See, we talked about this, and maybe we should talk about it more. Alex, this running around this busyness of life creates a chaos of non-appreciation or where the gratitude level is, and our gratitude is empty, Alex. You know, our gratitude is non-defined.


Do Things That You Haven’t Done


[00:24:24] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: So can I add something? In terms of the essential things to life, it’s real easy to find out what’s important. If God said, Hey, you know what? Tomorrow is your time at 3:00 p.m. You’re done. You said you’re done. What are you going to do? Most of us, we go and call all those we love, right? And we tell them how much we love them. Appreciate them. We lay it down. We make sure in the depths of our minds that we can communicate what we feel that was misunderstood. And we got some time because God’s going to pick me up at three o’clock tomorrow. So I’m not going to sleep tonight, but I’m going to call those that I righted, or I wrong for that matter. And I’m going to work hard to make sure I write it before I go, and I’m going to make sure I tell people how I feel about them with gratitude, as you said, in appreciation. So if I’d venture to say that most of us would not be interested in a car payment or a bill or a car or a watch, we’d be interested in a relationship. So as we develop this time, this is a great opportunity almost to have like a dry run, a war game of relationships in the sense of let’s go deeper into our relationship. Take the opportunity. An opportunity is an excellent word because opportunities are almost like an object. It has a physical handlebar. It has a name. What is this opportunity? What could be my daughter, right? And the opportunity has a timeline, has a beginning time, and an end time. It has a stage at which it goes. It’s the third thing. And then, at the very end, it has value. So whether it’s an opportunity to look at, you know, you meet it or your wife, and it’s a window opportunity to tell her you to love her, right? And it’s a stage that it progresses through. It has value in life, and it also has a cost. It’s your life. So these tiny opportunities, they’re there. They’re broken up into this three-week window, right, has a beginning. It has an end. It has a stage that seems to be changing every couple of CNN’s later or when the president speaks. It has value. This value so that at three o’clock when we check out or at three weeks, so to speak, we have the opportunity to discuss how we feel about that individual and not lose that opportunity because it matters. If we already know by nature what we would do, then take this window of time and ask ourselves most of us to say if we only had another day. If I want to rest in the day to tell my wife or when you have that conversation that is silent dead, and then you now have the opportunity to look at someone across the living room and say, You know what? I got something to say. And if you hit it with appreciation, kindness, love, and open your heart, it will be appropriately taken. It’s almost like rebaptism of beginning for us in society right to a new start. And if we already know what it is and know that relationships are what matter, well, then let’s take the opportunity now to nourish our relationships. Don’t you agree?


[00:27:46] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Absolutely. A hundred and ten percent, Alex. And I would like to motivate people to take this opportunity. Empower people to take this opportunity, inspire people to take this opportunity instead of fear to build faith instead of lack, to build abundance instead of worrying. Focusing on the hope they have within them already does not depend on any other factor except their own belief. Their hope, their vision, and their actions. So these are the actions that I see could be amplified and optimized during this time. Number one, forgiveness. We need to, yeah. I said you need to because good medicine, because when you forgive people. Guess what happens to your immune system, Alex?


[00:28:58] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: It goes up?


[00:28:59] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: It goes up.


[00:29:01] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Mario, you said you need to? Why do I need to?


How To Reset Your Mind?


[00:29:05] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Yeah, we need to because we want to be healthy. We want to be happy, and we deserve that. So this is where we have this opportunity to say, guess what? You’re going to be in that house for a week, two weeks. This is your opportunity. Now I can create more chaos or take this opportunity to create more order. I can create more disconnect or create more connection and bonding. So this is a choice again. Everything starts with a choice. Everything begins with a belief, and everything starts with a vision. So let’s inspire each other to create a vision of growth, renewal, rebirth, and manifestation of gratitude, forgiveness; if you are someone to forgive, this is the time to do it at the time. This is the time to do it at the time. If you have missed somebody, you miss somebody. Then stop missing them, look at them in the eye, and say, You know what? Hey, you know what? I want to spend time with you. I want to listen to you because, for all these years, I’ve been talking and telling you what to do. Guess what? What do you believe in? What are your dreams, your hopes, and your fears? I want to listen to you and empower you and nurture you. This is a nurturing opportunity, Alex. And beyond that, I see this as an opportunity for our families to come together, for our communities to come together, for our nation and world to come together. So let us not miss this opportunity. Let us not get confused and be reactive. Let’s be proactive in this state. Be purpose-driven, purpose-minded, and create the outcome that we want. So there’s a statement that resonates within me. And then I always say become the change you want to see, and you go, “Well, I can’t find a cure for this.” But you know what you can do? Why don’t you find a treatment for yourself? Why don’t you find a cure for that relationship within your own family? Why don’t you do that and start with that? Because now you have no excuse. Now you’re not too busy because everybody loves to be busy working and providing for everybody.


[00:31:37] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Nobody has time to be sitting there looking at pets in three weeks. This is the time to open up that heart of yours with the people you have to spend time with, and for some of us, we might be alone, but pick up the phone and call people and talk to them because, in all reality, the thing that creates a better immunity is peace. Meditation takes some time. The ability to tell someone how much you feel it really to this day. We already know that it empowers the immune system, allowing us to rest and bring quiet to our souls. This is very important to us. And as you and I know, we have lived our traumas in life, our difficult times, and we’ve maybe come across the wrong way at times, even to our kids. If we just start with our families and just pick up the phone or talk to your wife and say, You know what? Let’s open a little bit with an open heart, with gratitude. You got to do that with it. Just take the opportunity because actually, these three weeks will not be in vain or two weeks or however it works out. It’s a moment in time that will be remembered because I remember seeing things like O.J. Simpson. Many of us remember when Kennedy was shot. We remember when the towers were affected. We’ll remember this forever. We’ll remember the weeks we spent sitting there trying to figure out what we can do and what we can talk about if we base it on relationships, Mario? We’re going to be going far. I mean, I enjoy you and me. And we sit here and talk, and we discuss literally; we should record what we don’t record because that would let you have a window into what we feel about life. Sadly, the camera can’t follow us everywhere, but we have our tiny cameras in our own homes, and we only have our thoughts because you get to sleep a little bit more, maybe in these times. The government is making sure that they’re doing their part. I feel very proud to be an American because our government, from our president, no matter what your position is, you can see the leaders coming together to help us and support us during this time. But they’re not talking about something. They’re not talking about what we should say in our homes or how to fix our relationships. Many say meditation or eating the right foods, but this is human soul food, right? And I think that’s important to discuss that because though it may not be obvious, and I can bet that our kids and we know who the relationship is that we need to amend. We all do. We all have them, and we should pick up the phone and use this opportunity to fix it and say that I fixed it during that period of time. I fixed it with my uncle. I fixed my aunt. I fixed it with my brother, teacher, preacher, and whoever was fourth. It’s a special time, and we cannot let this period of time. And what I think, what you and I are trying to do is to say, wake up and say something. Wake up and build on that relationship. Use it positively because, as people who care about people. We deal with individuals on a different level, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, we are physicians, and what we do is look for how we can better people, and sometimes what our goal here in this dynamics is to look at what other people aren’t saying. So we can kind of carve out a new option, a new idea.


Spending Time With Family


[00:35:11] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: This is what the conversation tonight is all about. The conversation tonight is not what everyone else is saying, Alex. The discussion tonight, it’s what is not being displayed. The conversation tonight is not about fear. It’s not about buying 500 rolls of toilet paper. It’s not about to lock yourself in with a case of Clorox wipes. It’s not about that conversation. The conversation tonight, Alex, is coming from myself and yourself and this portal. This podcast, this portal of energy, is that we are servants, and we need to serve at the highest level and bring forth the message that’s not said. That creates a higher impact of healing than what is displayed. Now again, we need to be mindful, respectful. Yes. There are certain things that we need to do. Thank you. That’s great. But why don’t we create that ecosystem that provides hope and specific direction, and that direction needs to be placed in such a way where our children don’t become fearful, where we don’t create more anxiety than necessary, where we don’t make more fear than necessary, where we don’t generate more distrust than necessary? Why don’t we all take this opportunity to be kinder to each other? First of all, to ourselves, you know? And yes, we are servants and those who take care of everyone else. We are the ones who miss our self, Alex. We neglect ourselves because we’re so busy giving and giving that we don’t have that time for ourselves. And you know that, and I know that I’m transparent, vulnerable, and translucent. This is what we’re talking about. We are the ones the health care, the servants out there, whether it’s police officers, whether it’s firefighters, everyone else who does not sleep when everyone else is who is running in when everyone else is running out, who is there when everyone else is in a state of shock and are the ones who bring order. Those are the ones. Now I encourage those families, and I pray for and visualize. This is the time for us to come together. First of all, to pray, meditate, be mindful, and be introspective within our inner self. Yeah, and this is where now we shift this from a negative into an opportunity to grow opportunity for us to be thankful. I know I don’t want to get the wrong message now. We’re not being grateful for people being sick. We’re not doing that. Listen to me. We’re not doing that. What I’m saying is we need to create the story in our book that we can be proud of because we can easily take whatever is going on in our lives and write the story that is the most traumatic, most violent, more destructive and that we will never grow out of. So, this is a powerful topic, Alex, because many of us will have this opportunity to say, now I need to rise. I need to level up to my greatness because many of us have been stuck in this old conversation living in the past. Well, you know, I didn’t have this opportunity to do this with my kids or, you know, I’ve been traumatized for one reason or another. Now we have a chance to stop. Call a timeout to reset and say, Hold on. Do you want to continue that story, or do you want to build a new story and rewrite it, and write that new script for our children, especially our society at this time? And we know this. But again, is the elephant in the room Alex?


[00:39:38] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: It’s a huge elephant.


[00:39:40] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Huge. Right now, more and more of our young children are, you know, and this is the paradox we sacrifice for them. What parent have you heard say this? I’m doing this for my children. How many of them? All of them, right? I’m doing this for my children, but then somehow, I’m doing this for my children. But we’re losing our children. Why? Because they are disconnected. They’re more disconnected then than ever before. We’re not eating breakfast together. We’re not eating lunch together. We’re not eating dinner together. We’re eating the car. We’re doing drive-throughs. I mean, we’re doing this. Guess what’s happening? We’re going to more tournaments than ever before. And guess what? All these tournaments are not bringing us closer together. They are separating us because now we’re dealing with competition performance. You need to work harder. You need to win. You know, try to be more aggressive. You know, all of this. The parents on the sidelines are like pit bulls. They’re yelling. But you know, half of them are battling each other in the parking lot; I mean, forget the wrestling match on the mat; I want to watch the game in the parking lot. I think that’s more exciting. So what happens is we need to just put a stop to that and say, look, it’s not about your tournament. It’s about our relationship. It’s not about how many wins you’ve got right now. It’s how many wins I am already. And this is where the disconnect has been happening for many years. Now kids are starting to perform at three years old and four years old. I mean, they have private coaches and trainers at six years of age.


Time To Reset Your Body


[00:41:39] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: In this subject matter, which I’d venture to say that spring break is for all of us; it’s a time to disconnect and a time to relax for those as you’ve indicated. We’ve seen that teams and coaches, the level of competition is high, but there’s very rarely a time to heal. OK. It’s not enough time. This was a great opportunity when humanity’s history had sports, and all these girls were on knee pain, joint pain, no pain. All they needed was rest. You know, and this is a great time. As the body knows, the body knows that downtime is the opportunity. That’s the design. We’re diurnal rhythm creatures that we need a time system. I don’t care who you are or what kind of creature you know what kind of planetary system you come from? All things that exist and live need time off. What don’t plants grow all year long? Everybody knows that there’s a time in the season for that. This is the time in the season that was imposed oddly. Or we can take the opportunity to rest our bodies, rest our minds, and read those books to nourish our spirits.


[00:43:04] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Listen to this. Here I’m going to throw a bone. We got tournaments. Usually, tournaments happen where Alex? During breaks, during holidays, right. Now, the other aspect about spring break is what? You’re missing this, Alex; you’re missing it. Do you remember Fort Lauderdale? Come on, what happened after spring break, people? Yeah, that’s right, Daytona Beach. Do you know what happens there? It is party time. It is called drinking drown.


[00:43:36] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC: It’s called partying.


[00:43:38] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: Yeah, that’s OK. All right. You thought we didn’t handle this one? Oh, you thought we were going to talk about prayer?


[00:43:49] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Oh, we’re not going to be doing that, Mario, because we’re going off track.


[00:43:51] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: OK, but that’s the point? This is destructive. So this is where I know that instead of coming together. This is where many kids do not remember the weekend or the week. And this is where a lot of the kids end up not coming back the same way they left. OK. And so let’s put it again, our shows about being real. Yeah, this is real.


[00:44:25] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Mario, we’ve seen some things happen. The Rock, you’ve heard of him. He lost his father recently, to digress a little bit. What he said after his father passed away was, “It was always unexpected.” He wished he could tell him things. Tell him how much he loved them, how much he cared. This is an excellent opportunity to take a moment to tell the people, and I keep on hammering it because it’s so important. And like you said, you got to do it. You got to get the guts and say, “You know what? Son, daughter, sit down. First of all, I got to tell you how I feel.” Now do it with an open heart. First of all, don’t do it with the words, “But, this, and exceptions,” it’s just doing it and laying it there, and the healing that will come from that. Have you ever won something or got an excellent grade on something? You just feel like a million bucks. Your immune system, T-cells, lymphocytes, thymus, whole body humoral, and normal antibody system just rise. You can’t lose when you win something like that.


Release All Negativity


[00:45:32] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: It’s a win-win, and I will say this, Alex. I’m going to use this model. I know it’s going to hit home to many people and when you hold in grudges, when you keep in that envy, when you have that pain against someone else or an event that happened in your past. This is what happens to your immune system. This is what happens to your dopamine serotonin. This is what happens to your whole being in spirit. You can hate someone, you can dislike them for whatever reason, and you want to just hold on to that, and you want to amplify the pain, and you want to amplify the damage and everything else. But I will say this to everyone, the one who will suffer most. The one who will be damaged most is the person who holds on to that feeling, Alex. The person who holds on to that story that they don’t want to let go of. And many people don’t want to let go of that story because they find comfort in being a victim or in that event because, oh, look what happened to me? Or they find excuses for what they didn’t do. Because it’s easier to blame someone else, so this is getting a little deeper right now, so we’re going down. We’re talking about sports now; it’s getting a little deeper. What happens is this when you get down to that soul level, when you get down to me, myself, and I, if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me. You’re right. You are exactly right. You know, there is a little quote that I sent out from a Chinese zen Buddhist coach. And he says, “One says if you blame someone else for your unhappiness. You’re far away from peace now if you blame yourself for your unhappiness. And you’re failures. You’re halfway there. But if you blame no one. No one for your unhappiness and failures. You’re there.” We need to be there. We need to be real and say, “You know what? I’m not blaming you. I’m not blaming myself. You know what? It was an event that failed. It was a relationship that failed. But I’m not a failure. And you’re not a failure. Maybe we’re together. Perhaps we’re apart. Maybe there’s hope.” But one thing is this We need to let go of that mental thought, that story that we tell ourselves because the person who will get destroyed the most; is the person who repeats the story and the belief within their minds, Alex, and this is deep.


[00:48:49] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Well, I understand what you’re saying in that process and all the issues we’re dealing with in our personal lives. I think we have to look at it, and this is how I look at pretty much a lot of my goals. You know, sometimes you have to figure out, you can’t give yourself a way out. See if you give yourself a way out. If you tell people what you’re going to do, sometimes you find that it doesn’t happen. But here’s the way that I would do it. And sometimes it works for some people, but not doesn’t have to be for everyone. But this gives you an idea. Backed me up against the wall, and they’re against the wall. My back is up against a hard surface. From that moment on, I have to go where forward. So I backed myself against an issue, and I got to talk to my kid, so I backed myself against the wall. And I say, OK, from here, I have no option. I can no longer back up. I have to go forward with that person. You have to call. You make yourself do it. And the challenge of this particular time is to make yourself do things that, as you said, you have to because now that we know that this opportunity is here, we are now. We’ve now converted this period into an opportunity and a window of time that will undoubtedly end and will pass…


[00:50:04] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: and it’s a blessing


[00:50:04] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: It is a blessing. We will know something. Therefore, we need you and me to speak about learning something and not doing it is not yet to know it. So now to do it, we got to act it, and we got to fulfill it. So for all of us going through this new dynamic change around the country. I got to tell you it is now, as I see it, from when you have mentioned, and I’ve been able to think about things as you’ve been able to talk about it. And I appreciate it, Mario. But it also allows me to know that I have got to go home. I got to tell my family or people that I need to know how I feel right and try to open it to another level and take this opportunity to lead with great gratitude, love, and appreciation. Because I have to do it, and whether it’s something, we all have those moments and times. Let’s not let this opportunity go by without becoming better from it.


[00:51:05] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: And becoming better, Alex, is where we take self-responsibility for our happiness, self-responsibility for our own actions, and self-responsibility for our outcomes. And this is a beautiful, wonderful time where we can disconnect from all of these other factors, work, busyness, sports, all of these things; we can disconnect from that and look at our own inner self and say, “You know what? Let me be honest.” Let’s not label. Let’s not just have this little bland conversation and say, Oh, this is who I am. No, that’s not who you are. That’s who you’ve been telling yourself you were. And then, all of a sudden, you believe in that, or someone else has been telling you who you are. That’s not who you are; who you are is beyond what someone tells you, you are, is beyond what you said yourself yesterday or an hour ago or ten years who you are. You’re more than that. Why? Because we are dynamic miracles. If you look at our DNA RNA, if you look at all the intricacies of 50 trillion cells working together to create the harmonics, to create an ecosystem of thought, of belief, of fear, of greatness, of dynamics of creating, innovating. This is where we do not have limits this time of the coronavirus is an opportunity of no limits. This is an opportunity where each individual can have that time, and I know we’re going to feel very uncomfortable. Alex, I’m telling you right now, especially those Type-A personalities who are drivers. We just want to do it. Go, go, go. We want to direct and tell everyone what to do where we’re delegating and doing all day. This is very difficult for us. This is a time for me, and I know you’re a driver, OK. You’re not passive. Like, Oh, well, let the games come to me. No, you make the game; I make the game. And so this is a critical time for those of us who call ourselves type A-plus personalities to say something simple. I can develop more than just that; I can develop my soft skills. I can develop my listening skills. I can develop my empathy skills. I can develop my parenting skills where I don’t have to be a driver. Maybe, just maybe, I can be a listener. Perhaps I can be a support system and let someone else be a driver. That is unbelievable, and for those who have labeled themselves as well, I’m an introvert, and I passive, and I’m this. Why don’t you find the other side of you during this time to say, “Let me develop my extrovert side? Let me build my side to take the initiative and do something.” Those of us who have missed a lot of life opportunities of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And I know I keep harping on that. And people look at me like, “Oh yeah, here you go again talking about, you know, eating,” well, let me say this. Let me say this, and I want to say it a million times. A family that eats together. Stays together. A family that eats and prays together creates a legacy. This is the real deal. You don’t need an iPad for that. You don’t need an eight-figure income for that. You don’t need to be a billionaire for that. I don’t care if you have red beans and rice. I don’t care if you have a bucket of chicken. I remember when one of my parents, once a month, we used to have a bucket of chicken from KFC. And I tell you, man, I thought it was my birthday once a month, Alex. But I’m going to tell you right now we ate it together. And during that time we were together. We shared thoughts. We looked each other in the eye and realized that we were blessed. This is a time where it’s not about the coronavirus. This is about our enlightenment, our manifestation of greatness, human love, and unlimited human beliefs to create now.




[00:56:08]Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Well, I think you’ve put in a good point, Mario. I think that’s good, and I think what we have to do is take the information that we’ve gotten here, Mario, because you’ve laid down quite a bit of knowledge, and you make us think because this is what it matters. And you know, we ultimately really appreciate being real. You see, we have to turn off the TV just for a few moments. I know this is affected you, and it certainly does. It is now, and there’s one thing I can tell you is that your passion is felt by myself and by many. But what we want to take away from it is that moment that we don’t want to lose this and take that opportunity right now. And I keep on saying the opportunity because if there’s anything left in the title of this thing is take the opportunity, take the opportunity of the coronavirus. After all, it will make many people speak about what they feel about each other. It would be shocking if we turn off the TV, turn off the Netflix for an hour, and talk and get to know ourselves and the family because this will be memorable. In that memorable moment, I think that if we look at our families and we can touch them and communicate with them, they’ll forever remember that moment that dad and mom sat down and talked to us, that we had nothing to do but to eat together, right? We don’t need toilet paper to eat together. We do need some food to eat together. The smells of food are wrapped around our city, and we take that opportunity to talk to each other and have compassion because we know what to say. We don’t have to be told what to say. We know what to say. It’s just what’s in our hearts. So if there’s anything that we’ve learned in this coronavirus in terms of the fear, the anxieties, the stresses that we have had, you know what, we’ve learned that we’ve been able to watch dynamic changes. We’ve seen the government somewhat of an exciting quandary dynamic fear from different countries. But the bottom line is we don’t want to leave this Earth without saying those things. And those mindful things and those kind things to the people we love. And if we have that, we’ve walked away, and we will never forget that was when we did tell the ones we loved that we did love them.


[00:58:39] Dr. Mario Ruja DC*: The thought that just came to mind when you said those words, Alex and I went into a zone when I was talking about this, is to let the coronavirus set back become your comeback.


[00:59:00] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Nice. Well, we’ll leave it there, Mario, and it’s a blessing. Thank you for being part of this, and we are very spiritual people. We have nothing more than to lay it out as it is. We can’t read this, and we certainly don’t have a teleprompter. We share our thoughts, and we have our teachings of all the people that have stood behind us and taught us where we are, our parents, our teachers. Our guidance is that we’ve had, and we ultimately have a life that has shown us things. And we want to serve you guys, to teach you what we know so that if it helps and is useful, then continue the story and keep on sharing. So God bless all of you guys. Thank you guys so much, and look forward to hearing from you this week.



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The information herein on "How To Seize The Day With Dr. Ruja | El Paso, TX (2021)" is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional or licensed physician and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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Our information scope is limited to Chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, contributing etiological viscerosomatic disturbances within clinical presentations, associated somatovisceral reflex clinical dynamics, subluxation complexes, sensitive health issues, and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions.

We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from various disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Our videos, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate to and directly or indirectly support our clinical scope of practice.*

Our office has reasonably attempted to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We provide copies of supporting research studies available to regulatory boards and the public upon request.

We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez, DC, or contact us at 915-850-0900.

We are here to help you and your family.


Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN*, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, ATN*

email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com

Licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) in Texas & New Mexico*
Texas DC License # TX5807, New Mexico DC License # NM-DC2182

Licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN*) in Florida
Florida License RN License # RN9617241 (Control No. 3558029)
Compact Status: Multi-State License: Authorized to Practice in 40 States*
Presently Matriculated: ICHS: MSN* FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner Program)

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN* CIFM*, IFMCP*, ATN*, CCST
My Digital Business Card

Dr. Alex Jimenez

Specialties: Stopping the PAIN! We Specialize in Treating Severe Sciatica, Neck-Back Pain, Whiplash, Headaches, Knee Injuries, Sports Injuries, Dizziness, Poor Sleep, Arthritis. We use advanced proven therapies focused on optimal Mobility, Posture Control, Deep Health Instruction, Integrative & Functional Medicine, Functional Fitness, Chronic Degenerative Disorder Treatment Protocols, and Structural Conditioning. We also integrate Wellness Nutrition, Wellness Detoxification Protocols, and Functional Medicine for chronic musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, we use effective "Patient Focused Diet Plans," Specialized Chiropractic Techniques, Mobility-Agility Training, Cross-Fit Protocols, and the Premier "PUSH Functional Fitness System" to treat patients suffering from various injuries and health problems.
Ultimately, I am here to serve my patients and community as a Chiropractor, passionately restoring functional life and facilitating living through increased mobility.

Purpose & Passions:
I am a Doctor of Chiropractic specializing in progressive, cutting-edge therapies and functional rehabilitation procedures focused on clinical physiology, total health, functional strength training, functional medicine, and complete conditioning. In addition, we focus on restoring normal body functions after neck, back, spinal and soft tissue injuries.

We use Specialized Chiropractic Protocols, Wellness Programs, Functional & Integrative Nutrition, Agility & Mobility Fitness Training, and Cross-Fit Rehabilitation Systems for all ages.

As an extension to dynamic rehabilitation, we offer our patients, disabled veterans, athletes, young and elder a diverse portfolio of strength equipment, high-performance exercises, and advanced agility treatment options. In addition, we have teamed up with the cities premier doctors, therapists, and trainers to provide high-level competitive athletes the options to push themselves to their highest abilities within our facilities.

We've been blessed to use our methods with thousands of El Pasoans over the last 3 decades allowing us to restore our patients' health and fitness while implementing researched non-surgical methods and functional wellness programs.

Our programs are natural and use the body's ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. As a result, please live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.

With a bit of work, we can achieve optimal health together, regardless of age, ability, or disability.

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