The association between heart failure, cardiovascular disease, and fibrosis with a metabolic marker TMAO is key to preventing and reversing these chronic conditions...
All disease starts in the gut, but how? Intestinal permeability is a great contributor to metabolic and chronic conditions, as it allows bacterial translocation...
It was first isolated from the Bovine Pineal gland in 1958. Nevertheless, in humans, it is the main hormone secreted by the pineal gland. Melatonin was considered a...
Western diet: Immune activation, Metainflammation and Chronic Diseases
The overweight and obesity epidemic has taken over the world, promoting the prevalence of chronic diseases. The common denominator of this problem is our sedentary...
Healthy Metals vs Toxic Metals
Metals in the body are essential for proper cellular function. That being said, in order to ensure the metals you are ingesting are good for you and what the body needs...
The nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat related (NLR) family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) is a multimeric protein that recognizes different PAMPs and...
Inflammation is a necessary response, and it can initiate host defense response and repair damaged tissue. However, an uncontrolled inflammatory signal can cause...
How to Boost Tight Junction Integrity Through Nutrition?
Tight Junctions (TJ) comprise different proteins that bind to the actin cytoskeleton to provide barrier integrity to our gut lining. Indeed, TJs are key assistance...
Tight Junctions: Defective Intestinal Barrier and Pathological Conditions
Our main interaction with food, pathogens, and inflammatory signals is made through our intestinal barrier. Indeed, our gut epithelium is where the absorption...
2020 changed the way many medical professionals see and assess their patients. Similar to other offices, we adapted to make sure our patients still received the...